Friday, January 15, 2010

Egg Optic Why Do Male Octopuses Die After Mating?

Why do male octopuses die after mating? - egg optic

I have learned that male octopuses (Octopia?) That after mating. You have given an arm "special seeds" Hectocotylus, used to lay their eggs in the females and then in a month. What mechanism causes of his death? Does your arm like a bee sting? What is a substantial body of apoptosis? I could not find an answer online. So why do you think of the changes would be beneficial for octopus, after reproducing only once? I know female octopus dies a few months after the children Luke, by secretions of the endocrine glands, which are activated by the visual reproduction. Is there a similar effect on the endocrine system of humans? Thanks for any information or idea you have!


CMZoom said...

Octopus have a strategy semelparous life cycle, which means that once spawn and then die. (Iteroparous the opposite - multiple spawning events in the life of the body.) Semelparous Other organisms are well - salmon, eel, Anguilla, many species of plants and insects.

So why an animal - even spawn and then die? Makes no sense to think now, but in this way: the energy to play a major achievement is shown. Energy is the key here. It is very energetically expensive to play - the energy consumed in reproduction is the energy required for growth and self-care may be used. Reproduction is a "cost" that are in slower growth and increased mortality rates. An agency semelparous of his life spent growing (larger size is allocated with higher birth rates in many organisms) and energy prior to spawning, after the end of his life.

The other part of your question - What is the exact reason for an octopus is after spawning. Death is obviously of a gland optical control SecretiaPublished after spawning. The second link below for a quote (Woodinsky 1977) for a study on this topic.

Shaz said...

Biologically, it is for the parents of a man who is completely logical and self sufficient to enable the reproduction to more environmental resources for youth and their bodies as food for predators and Diversion Attention care with eggs from young

/b/rady said...

His arm falls, and therefore reproduction.
In addition, octopus, squid NO.

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